This is our team

(hover over the name to see more...)


Our remarkable robot, Kobe, strives to execute all of our algorithms to the best of its ability.

Johanne Dybevik

As the team leader, Johanne ensures that our team meets regularly and operates efficiently. She has composed the defense code and contributed to various functions, including the task of understand coroutines. Additionally, Johanne has also made contributions to the webpage design.


Aditya holds the primary responsibility of creating our exceptional attack routine. He has actively participated in multiple testing sessions and has played a vital role in preserving the positive atmosphere within the team. Aditya has developed the majority of algorithms that necessitate extensive mathematical computations.


Anatole serves as our designer, dedicating a significant amount of effort to ensure the stability of the robot's design. He has made contributions to various functions regarding the attack and defence routince, and had the main responsibility for the webpage.

Even great robots can make mistakes...